Florida SHOTS Login

An error occurred when attempting to send you to the Single Sign-On site. Please try again. If the issue persists, please contact the Florida SHOTS Helpdesk for further assistance."

If you aren't set up for Single Sign-On, login with your Florida SHOTS username and password below.

If you aren't setup for Single Sign-On and are ready to begin the onboarding process, please click the button below.
Current Announcements
Important note on training resources:
The Florida SHOTS Team is committed to providing the best possible experience for users and ensuring system security. Trainings are available for all users at no charge to you or your office. Click here to learn about important system updates and here to register for our monthly live webinar sessions covering "Tools for Back-to-School Rush."
Active now in Florida SHOTS: User Confirmation
Florida SHOTS has introduced the User Confirmation process to improve system security through the review of user access within all organizations. Local Org Administrators must participate in this process on a periodic basis to ensure all users are accounted for and records are maintained.

If users have not done so already, please click here for more information on this very important topic.

VFC/VFA Providers 2024-25 Flu Season Prebooking
Beginning July 1, 2024, prebooking for the 2024-25 Flu Season will begin. Only the enrollee, primary and secondary contacts listed for the site will have access to the Flu Pre Booking tab. Remember to adjust out all expired flu vaccines once the expiration date has been reached. You must also adjust out all doses administered from the flu vaccine inventory in Florida SHOTS.